⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️How to lose weight? The wife’s decision shocked the family of gluttons: how did they cope with the radical change in diet?

10 min readMay 21, 2024


⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️The Dubrovskys family was again roaming the supermarket in full force, looking for snacks or something tasty. The head of the family, Paul, a 40-year-old overweight man, again turned his attention to the chip shelves:

— Masha, let’s take these? I’ve never tried with salted gherkins before, it’s a new product!

— Yes, let’s get them!

✨The little girl, missing her two front teeth, was very happy about this and began to carefully examine the package, tracing the inscriptions with her little finger:

— Maybe enough with the chips? Let’s go check out something normal? Vegetables, fruits…

The man did not expect such words at all from his wife Tanya. In their family, the body constitution was quite different from the standard and generally accepted — having pre-obesity was the absolute norm. Their diet was far from “right”, chips and candies replaced the trendy celery juice and steamed fish. The family only saw sports on TV:

— What? You… You’re going to start dieting? Where’s my Tanyushka — the glutton? Who offended you like that?!

— No, no… I just feel like we need to change something. Otherwise, we won’t be able to walk, we’ll just eat, lie down, and not even breathe!

✨And indeed, she was absolutely right. Her jeans of the largest size barely came together at the seams. The oversized T-shirt was clinging to her. And two more plump ones were peeking out from under her chin. The woman was somewhat embarrassed, as if she herself did not believe her own words:

— So from this day on, we’re taking normal food. Otherwise, we’ve flooded everything with fat to the point of impossibility, how much more can there be. Let’s think about our health.

The daughter stood in surprise and fidgeted with the hem of her dress, occasionally lifting her eyes to her father. She didn’t really understand the meaning of the words, but reading her father’s emotions, it made her feel uneasy. The chips from the cart were returned to the shelf, followed by the sad gaze of the man:

— Okay… So are we really dieting? And what made you decide so suddenly? We were living just fine…

— We’ll discuss it later. Not now.

✨In a couple of moments, the family was already in the vegetable department. They had to be there as rarely as possible — some vegetables and fruits were completely unknown to these people. Looking at everything as a curiosity, the time of choice came:

— Well, then… Let’s take tomatoes, cucumbers, and here are apples, zucchini can also be taken…

Tanya reasoned to herself and did not consult with her hungry husband, skillfully sorting through the vegetables and putting the best ones in a plastic bag. The little girl carefully examined the oranges — she had never seen such a thing before, let alone eaten it:

— Maybe we’ll take something else normal later? Sausages, hot dogs. If you want to, go ahead and diet. But we’ll live normally. Right, daughter?

✨His face expressed discontent and regret, because the next week will be tough on the stomach. The mustache from sadness slid across his face, the nasolabial folds wrinkled and formed pairs, the damp palms left a trace on the cart handle:

— Pasha, do you want to die from obesity? You understand that at this rate we won’t live to see Masha’s graduation. Enough of these fast carbs, it’s time to live like everyone else, like normal people.

— I’ve never heard such words from you, never. Who told you that? We’re a normal, and most importantly, a happy family. The rest is not so important.

— It doesn’t matter who… But it’s the truth…

✨Her gaze was filled with sadness, her head itself lowered under the weight of the thoughts tormenting her inside. She didn’t say anything, and the questioning in the store didn’t really interest the man at the moment. It took them literally half an hour to collect the necessary “right” grocery basket. It was very different from their usual one: there were no sweets and carbonated drinks, smoked meats and baked goods. A particular blow below the belt for the man was the refusal to buy mayonnaise:

— Oh my God, what’s this. ‘Diet bread’, wow… And you’re saying we paid three thousand for these two packs of greens?

— Well, look how much we’ve collected? This is not instant noodles, you can eat your fill for the whole day. And lose weight too.

✨They were sorting out the groceries together in the spacious kitchen, and the daughter went to rest in her room. It was made like for a real princess: there was a flower print on the stretch ceiling, the pink wallpaper harmoniously combined with the white furniture. In some places on the walls, Masha’s autographs were left: this is how the little girl was learning to draw and explore this world:

— So will you tell me why we need to lose weight? Who put that into your head?

— My dear, I’m tired of being embarrassed! All my colleagues are thin and fragile, and against their background, I’m like an elephant in a china shop. I don’t even fit on two chairs anymore, do you understand me? Vika constantly pokes at our family, saying how many tons you eat a day. I’m sick of it all, I can’t take it anymore. It’s disgusting to look in the mirror…

— And Vika doesn’t have a sense of tact at all? Okay, if that’s the case, then we’ll show them.

✨The next day was their “healthy” breakfast for the first time in their lives. As it turned out, vegetables in an omelet are not so bad. And if you close your eyes, you can even imagine that it’s fast food:

— I didn’t even think that this vegetable mix would fit in here so well! For lunch, soup and buckwheat with chicken in a double boiler, and I haven’t figured out the evening yet. After work, we’ll take a walk, okay, Masha?

— Yes! I want to! Mom, why don’t we have cereal for breakfast today? Well, at least chocolate.

— From this day on, we have a different diet. And this extra sugar is completely unnecessary for us.

✨The girl didn’t understand the words about the “extra sugar.” What difference does it make if the food is delicious? The man was silently devouring the omelet and imagining something more delicious. After the meal, everyone went about their business, to school or work. Tatyana was, apparently, the happiest of all, which could not be said about her loved ones. A couple of hours later at the machine, Pavel was already hungry, the vegetables and eggs couldn’t fill his large stomach. From hunger, the toes were clenching, the head was pulsating and the mind was clouding. I had to go to lunch urgently:

— Guys, I’m going to the canteen! My wife decided to lose weight, so she subjected all of us to this torture. I ate this grass, but what’s the point if I’m still hungry?

— Well, Petrovich, hang in there! Then you’ll all be athletes. Just don’t even mention it to my Marinki, or she’ll put me on a hunger strike too.

Mikhalych, Pavel’s colleague and a just a good guy, only laughed at his statements, not even realizing the seriousness of the matter. At this time, the male representative was standing at the dessert counter. There was everything there! And the potato cake especially attracted his gaze, it was beckoning him. Without delay, Pavel addressed the canteen lady:

— Give me five cakes… No, wait. I won’t take them.

✨The sad, humiliated wife flashed before his eyes. She sincerely wants to lose weight — her colleagues are teasing jokes about their family, and maybe even about her weight. A couple of cakes won’t make him thinner, and the salads are even not bad. Injustice rose to his throat in a lump and stuck there, not wanting to go anywhere. Nausea began to set in:

Give me buckwheat with stew, a medium plate… A salad with Chinese cabbage, the one without mayonnaise, also a medium one. And compote from dried fruits.

The canteen lady’s eyes widened, apparently from surprise. She performed such requests every day, but definitely not from this person. Frozen over the vat of buckwheat, she amazedly blurted out:

— Petrovich, is it me you’re talking to right now or who? And what about the pies and dessert, a liter of soda? Have you really decided to lose weight?

— And from this day on, it will always be like this! Lyudka, promise you’ll never sell me that crap again, only healthy food and no more!

— Agreed!

✨Her phrase sounded with a special chuckle. It’s obvious that she didn’t believe this obese man: what food lover can give up food? Taking the tray, he retired to the table with doubts. But the very awareness that he supported his beloved and did not abandon her in a difficult moment — already satiated him completely. It turns out that buckwheat is also tasty, and without mayonnaise. The salad has an unusual pleasant sourness, almost like chips. And the compote is even nicer than the foreign soda — that’s how much he wanted to support Tanya! Coming to the shop, he had a very unusual conversation, which he did not expect himself:

— Petrovich, why did you decide to lose weight? Lyudka has already reported everything to us. Have you decided to become an athlete in your years?

— Yes, my wife’s viper-friends are attacking her! They have so bullied her that she decided to put all of us on a weight loss program. The poor thing almost cries when she thinks about it.

— Wait, is that our Tanya from the accounting department? The one with dark hair. Well, what kind of friends are offending her there?

— Yes, my beauty. But it’s Victoria Gronich who teases her the most, if you know her.

— Wait, the Gronich family! So these are my neighbors, they’ve been fighting ungodly every day! I’ll have a talk with her, for sure.

✨These words warmed his soul. A joyful smile spread across the man’s face, and his mustache crawled into his freckled nose. It’s so good when there is someone who can stand up for you and your family. Until the evening, Pavel remained in a happy mood, and went home inspired. A walk was planned for today, after work. Meeting with the family, they went to rest and strengthen their health:

— And I didn’t slip up at all today! The first month will be difficult, of course, but then we’ll get used to it. When I lose weight and fit into a swimsuit, we’ll go to the sea!

— Excellent! I also ate stew with buckwheat for lunch, with vegetables there. It’s not that bad at all. We will cope, for sure.

Masha walked with her parents hand in hand and didn’t understand the essence, but also smiled with them. The family is together, and she is happy. That’s the most important thing:

— I also made arrangements about your problem. It turns out that Mikhalych is Vika’s neighbor. He will have a talk with them, and she won’t bother you anymore.

— Really? You’re not joking?

✨Tanya’s eyes lit up, her smile bared her pearly white teeth, and her eyelids closed with delight. The next day, breakfast was just as healthy, in general, as lunch. A new life came imperceptibly, but it so radically changed everything: from family relationships to one’s own attitude to the body and food:

— We will mark every day in the calendar that we didn’t live it in vain and lost a couple of hundred grams.

Tatyana proposed this idea completely calmly, in an absolutely even tone, stuffing unsweetened porridge into her mouth. No one was surprised or objected — this is a new step in life. Coming to work, Pavel received another pleasant bonus:

— Anyway, I talked to my beloved neighbors. You haven’t abandoned this idea of losing weight, have you? Because I told them such a thing, I didn’t even expect it myself. But I was really angry, of course. They’re not perfect themselves, and yet they teach others how to live, the saints.

— And what did Vika say? That we shouldn’t cause my any more trouble…

— She tucked her tail and sat silent, she didn’t even expect someone to stand up for her. She hung her head guiltily and said it wouldn’t happen again. Her husband beat her at night later, I had to call the police, it was impossible to sleep.

✨Justice has finally prevailed! For the second day in a row, everything was fine, and that’s already a start. After his shift, he went to the accounting department to his wife. Coming in, he caught a bunch of sidelong glances, and tried to catch his wife’s eyes in one of them:

Respected ones, if our life is so interesting to you — I came to talk to you! Ask about everything, including our weight. Yes, Victoria Alexandrovna? Apparently, you have no other interests.

The room was filled with silence. The exchange of glances between the employees was absolutely silent — and each knew that this passionate speech was addressed specifically to them. Blushing, they sank into their desks and began to do something diligently on the computer, although they had no urgent work. Tatyana looked at everything with laughter, and a smile reappeared on her face. Gratitude and pride for her husband were read in her eyes:

— Thank you, you really got them! Vika even came up and apologized, saying it was all wrong, and she was very ashamed. Thank you, my love!

✨Life doesn’t end after bullying from colleagues or complete disappointment in life. More and more days were filled in the calendar every day. And the trip to the sea was getting closer, as the kilograms were evaporating as much as they could!




Acclaimed English author Alice Silvermoon is known for her gripping stories that combine poignant psychological depth and elegant prose.